Sana AI Summit 2024
May 15, Stockholm

On May 15 2024, we gathered some of the world’s most pioneering leaders, thinkers, 和研究人员一起反思bwin足球平台的新时代.


Lauren Crichton
Commercial Director, Sana

On the state of AI

Benedict Evans
Independent analyst

“We don't even know all the problems worth solving. They're still taking shape. But to find them and solve them, it's going to take courage and vision, persistent innovation and dedication. 这需要我们个人和集体的诚信."

Lauren Crichton, Commercial Director Sana

Geoffrey’s thesis

Geoffrey Hinton
Computer scientist and cognitive psychologist

“我认为GPT-4只是在重复它已经学过的东西的想法是完全错误的. It’s going to be even more creative than people, I think.”

Geoffrey Hinton,计算机科学家和认知心理学家

On building Sana AI

Joel Hellermark
Founder and CEO, Sana

Daphne’s thesis

Daphne Koller
CEO and founder, insitro

On deep learning for cancer diagnosis

Regina Barzilay
Professor of AI and Health, MIT

“We hope that, as medicine continues, 我们将能够学习并优化单个患者的筛查周期,而不是给每个人相同的频率.”

Regina Barzilay, Professor of AI and Health MIT

On the future of science and knowledge

Max Jaderberg
Chief AI Officer, Isomorphic Labs

Tuomas Sandholm
Computer scientist and entrepreneur

On the UI for AGI

Gustav Söderström
Co-President, CPO & CTO, Spotify

Carl Pei
CEO, Nothing

Josh Miller
CEO, The Browser Company

“如果我们只是把我们的科学局限于人类可以理解的简短理论, we're going to miss out on a lot of opportunity.”

Tuomas Sandholm, Professor and entrepreneur

Max’s thesis

Max Tegmark
Physicist and AI researcher, MIT

“我认为这取决于我们有意识的生物创造自己的意义. I don’t think the universe gives meaning to us. I think we give meaning to our universe.”

Max Tegmark, Physicist and AI researcher, MIT

On alternative intelligence

Jeanette Winterson


Lauren Crichton
Commercial Director, Sana

bwin足球平台没有肤色,没有性别,对信仰战争没有兴趣,对陌生人没有仇恨. 它不是由权力和财富杠杆所激励的,而权力和财富杠杆决定了人类的经验. AI might not align with our values. And that might not be such a bad thing.”


Key speakers

Geoffrey Hinton
Computer scientist and cognitive psychologist
Geoffrey Hinton被称为“bwin足球平台教父”,被认为是bwin足球平台出现方面最杰出的思想领袖之一. 他曾担任卡内基梅隆大学的教员和加拿大高级研究所的研究员. 他现在是多伦多大学的名誉教授. In 2023, 杰弗里离开了他在谷歌的职位,这样他就可以自由地谈论bwin足球平台对人类的影响.
Daphne Koller
CEO and founder, insitro
Daphne Koller is CEO and founder of insitro, 一家机器学习驱动的药物发现和开发公司. 达芙妮是斯坦福大学计算机科学的Rajeev Motwani教授, the co-CEO and president of Coursera, 他在计算机和工程领域获得了许多著名奖项, including the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.
Max Tegmark
Physicist and AI researcher, MIT
马克斯·泰格马克(Max Tegmark)是麻省理工学院bwin足球平台研究所(Institute for Artificial Intelligence)从事bwin足球平台和物理研究的教授 & 基本相互作用和大脑、思想和机器中心. 他也是未来生命研究所的主席,也是《bwin足球平台》畅销书《bwin足球平台》的作者.0 and Our Mathematical Universe. 麦克斯特立独行的想法为他赢得了“疯狂麦克斯”的绰号.”
Benedict Evans
Independent analyst
本尼迪克特·埃文斯是世界上最敏锐的科技分析师之一. With 20 years of experience across investment banking, strategy consulting, and VC at Andreessen Horowitz, Ben now writes independently around consumer tech, ecosystems, and mobile platforms. His weekly newsletter is trusted by 175,000 subscribers.
Josh Miller
CEO, The Browser Company
Josh Miller是一位杰出的产品和公司创建者,他的使命是建立一个更好的互联网. He co-founded Branch, 曾担任奥巴马政府的产品总监, invested at Thrive Capital, 他现在是浏览器公司的首席执行官和联合创始人,该公司是Arc背后的组织.
Max Jaderberg
Chief AI Officer, Isomorphic Labs
Max Jaderberg is Chief AI Officer at Isomorphic Labs, 他在哪里领导机器学习在药物发现方面的研究和应用. Prio to Iso, Max通过结合大规模深度学习,在DeepMind开创了许多算法, reinforcement learning, and generative models. 他也是图像识别公司Vision Factory的首席执行官和联合创始人.
Jeanette Winterson
珍妮特·温特森是《bwin中文官网》畅销书作家,曼彻斯特大学新写作教授. Frequently published in the Guardian, Times, Observer, and New York Times, Jeanette在2019年发布了她的第一本关于bwin足球平台的文集,探讨了这项技术将如何塑造我们的生活和爱的方式.
Regina Barzilay
Professor of AI and Health, MIT
Regina Barzilay是工程学院bwin足球平台杰出教授 & 麻省理工学院贾米尔诊所计算机科学系的健康和bwin足球平台系主任. 她的研究获得了麦克阿瑟奖, an NSF Career Award, 以及AAAI松鼠bwin足球平台奖,以造福人类. 里贾纳是美国国家工程院院士, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Medicine. 
Tuomas Sandholm
Computer scientist and entrepreneur
Tuomas is a professor and entrepreneur. He’s published over 500 peer-reviewed papers, holds 29 patents, 并将bwin足球平台应用于从600亿美元的世界上最复杂的组合拍卖到管理美国国家肾脏交换. 他对游戏也略知一二——他领导的一个研究小组花了20多年的时间开发了第一个双人和多人无限制德州扑克的超人bwin足球平台. 托马斯的任务是通过将计算博弈论应用于许多高风险的防御设置来证明博弈论是直接有用的.
Gustav Söderström
Co-President, CPO & CTO, Spotify
古斯塔夫Söderström是Spotify的联席总裁、首席运营官和首席技术官. 他负责公司的全球产品和技术战略, overseeing the product, design, data, and engineering teams. Passionate about startups, 古斯塔夫是Facebook和雅虎收购的公司的早期投资者和领导者.
Carl Pei
CEO, Nothing
Carl Pei是一位杰出的科技企业家,他与人共同创立了成功的智能手机品牌一加(OnePlus),之后又在伦敦创立了科技公司Nothing. Known for his innovative vision and strategic leadership, 卡尔在福布斯30位30岁以下和财富40位40岁以下的名单中得到认可.

Key speakers 2023
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